
… for an innovative school, training and cultural centre in Arua/Uganda. Innovative because we combine classic knowledge transfer and practical action with reference to the reality of children’s lives.

The principles of sustainability that run through the project are also incorporated into everyday school life and teaching.

Our Ugandan friend Pascal had already developed this school concept before damawas was founded. How the connection between him and us and the idea for Damawas came about, you can read here. The name of our local partner association refers to this connection:
DECCA – Damawas Education and Cultural Center Arua

Damawas – let’s do something!
(“Austro-Kiswahili”, so to speak, because we couldn’t find a suitable word in Kiswahili, the official Ugandan language, that was easy enough to pronounce.)

Schedule at a glance


Class-wise start of school

Construction and commissioning of the cultural centre


Creation of a communication concept

by a student team of the FHWien der WKW

Design at the Vienna University of Technology, first cultivation on the agricultural land

Selection of a winning project by the partner association DECCA with a jury of experts

January 2021

Foundation of the partner association DECCA in Arua

Foundation of the damawas association

February 2020

Purchase of the school property

Schedule & history in detail »