
The ideal project objectives, such as school and vocational training, the support of cultural coexistence, the integration and evaluation of innovation ideas, as well as international exchange, require infrastructural measures. These include the construction of the cultural centre, the school complex with school garden and sports field, workshops and simple accommodation.

In the case of buildings to be built, sustainability and resource conservation are particularly important to us in terms of both construction and use. We want to focus on the following points:

  • Wherever it is feasible, traditional, local building materials and construction methods are to be combined with structural innovations.
  • During operation, emissions (waste, waste water and exhaust gases) should be kept low or, if possible, completely avoided. We aim for closed circuits and a high recycling rate
  • We want to make the energy supply as self-sufficient as possible. The local, regenerative use of energy with a focus on sun, wind and biogas production is intended to ensure security of supply
  • The rainwater should not be unused either, at least the use as domestic water (e.g. Irrigation) is planned.

In this context, too, the “toilet question” plays an important role.
We want to apply two systems:

  • Dry separation toilets (composting can close material cycles)
  • Toilets for biogas production (the resulting gas can be used for cooking, liquid fertilizer for the school garden is also obtained)